

What's Guanacaste Like at Christmas Time?

Wondering what Guanacaste is like at Christmas Time?

Lots of people ask me what "Navidad" is like in the tropics.

It's a perfect day here in Northern Guanacaste today - like almost every day! Lots of people ask me, "What's it like in Guanacaste at Christmas time?" Well, I could go on and on here, but my latest YouTube video will give you a better idea. In this 4 minute video I try to capture a little of the essence of Navidad here in this part of Guanacaste. I hope you'll enjoy! ¡Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo! ¡Pura vida!


Risk vs. Reward: How to Identify the Right Costa Rica Investment Property

What are the risks involved with investing in Costa Rican real estate? And how can you maximize your rewards when you invest?

Thorough research, local partnerships, and professional advice are key to making informed investment decisions.

Costa Rica is an outdoors enthusiast’s Mecca. It’s famous for its awe-inspiring natural beauty, tropical climate, friendly people, incredible biodiversity, emerald mountains, active volcanoes, jaw-dropping beaches, world-class sport fishing, picturesque hiking – I could go on and on.

Construction Materials & Fixtures Availability in Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Are you thinking about buying some property and building your dream home here in Costa Rica?

Many of my clients want to do the same.

They're thinking about purchasing a lot with a vision in their mind's eye of what their dream home in Costa Rica will look like. But they're a bit unsure about construction means, materials, and methods here in the region. The most  frequently asked questions I hear are:

7 Questions to Ask Before You Buy Real Estate in Costa Rica

Real Estate Checklist: The Intoxicating Allure of Paradise.

Almost everyone dreams of living in paradise. But what do you need to think about before you take the plunge?

Costa Rica’s popularity as a world-class tourism destination has been steadily – and sometimes explosively – growing since 1987. With the exception of the years 2002 and 2009 and during the COVID 19 pandemic, the number of visitors has increased each year.


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