
The Best Time of Year to Travel to Costa Rica is Winter in Guanacaste!

Unlearn everything you’ve ever learned about summer and winter in North America because winter is green season here in Guanacaste!

For those of us who live here and who are in-the-know, the winter months in Guanacaste are our favorites! Winter rocks here in Guanacaste! Find out why.

We’re on the cusp of winter here in Guanacaste. Our hot, dry, windy summer is ending after 6 months of nary a drop of rain, blazing sunshine, and daytime temperatures from 93˚F to 100˚F (34˚C to 38˚C).

Summertime in Costa Rica runs from about November 15th to about May 15th. Weather varies with elevation and location. Caribbean weather patterns are very different from the Pacific and Central Valley. But here in Guanacaste, “snowbirds” from North America are nearly 100% guaranteed nothing but blue sky and sunshine during the summer months here at the beach!

This is why the Gold Coast here in Papagayo is so popular with travelers and tourists during the brutally cold winter months in North America.

But for those of who live here and who are in-the-know, the winter months here in Guanacaste are our favorites! Winter rocks here in Guanacaste! Why?

  • Fewer visitors. We folks who live here joke that the wintertime here in Guanacaste is when we finally get our beaches back to ourselves.
  • It’s “low season”. Because there are less travelers and tourists, prices on accommodations such as hotels and AirBnB’s drop significantly, and you save money.
  • It’s more beautiful. Winter is the green season here. The rain makes the tropical dry forest canopy explode. What were once nearly leafless trees transform into giant broccoli that cascade down the Guanacaste hillsides all the way to the high tide line of its incredible Pacific beaches.

In my latest YouTube video, I show you the dramatic difference between summer and winter here in Guanacaste from a hillside overlooking Playa Hermosa (“Beautiful Beach) where I’ve lived for nearly 20 years now. Crack a cold beer and enjoy. ¡Pura vida!

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